Saturday, May 18, 2013

Pasta with Sauce

When I buy my weekly groceries I am almost always motivated to buy healthy food, and many times it happens that I buy more vegetables than what I manage to eat in a week.   By the second week, the extra veggies are no longer fresh, and the truth is that I don't feel like eating them in salads. Today's solution: cook them, blend them, mix them with tomato sauce and eat them with pasta.

The recipe is simple and the sauce has a very special taste that reminded me of the chard balls (like meatballs but made with chard instead of meat) with tomato sauce that they cooked at home when I was growing up.  The larger the greens to sauce ratio, the more it resembles the food of my childhood, but if we put more tomato sauce, the veggies go unnoticed and it is an excellent way to feed a vitamin-packed meal to those who don't like greens.

  • 1 package of spaghetti (I used whole wheat)
  • 2 casn of tomato sauce
  • 1/2 a bag of veggies (I used arugula baby blend)
  • 1 medium yellow onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • oil, salt and seasonings to taste 
 While you boil water for the pasta, place the minced garlic in hot oil in a pan, and once it starts to become golden put all the greens and cook until they reduce in size and become dark.  Take the out of the stove and place in the blender together with the tomato sauce.
In the same pan saute the onion cut in small pieces, until it becomes translucent, and then add the sauce from the blender. Continue to cook for three minutes after it starts bubbling.
When the water for the pasta starts to boil add the pasta and salt, and cook for 7 minutes (or as instructed in the package).
Place the pasta in a dish, cover with sauce and enjoy.

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